Thursday, July 25, 2013

Catching Up...

Dear Family & Friends,
I apologize for letting time get away from me when it comes to writing letters home.  I see it’s been a month since our last one.  This one will obviously need to be a catch up letter.
La Familia Hernandez.  Probably the sweetest experience for us since coming to WI was accompanying the Hernandez family to the Chicago Temple on June 29th.  They had prepared themselves well.  For at least two weeks prior, every prayer offered by a member of that family, whether at home or in public, included a sweet plea to Heavenly Father to bless them to go to the temple on June 29th to receive their endowments and be seal together as an eternal family.  It turned out that we drove them (5) together with hna Flores, the escort for hna Hernandez.  It was a busy day at the temple.  At just after noon, when we arrived, we took some pictures of the family on the temple grounds.  There was a Primary group on the grounds from a Spanish-speaking ward in the Chicago area.  It appeared they were having a special Primary activity day at the temple. Vicki took the the children and explored the temple grounds, fountains, etc., while hna Flores and I accompanied the parents into the distribution center to purchase garments and temple clothing. That took a good 45 minutes.  When we went back outside to find Vicki and the children, they were eating sandwiches and paletas, while drinking juice. It seemed that the Primary group from Chicago had extra and had offered it to the children.  What a life saver that was.  Heavenly Father’s hand was in it. 
After a little cleaning up, we went into the temple.  A member of the presidency met us.  The children were taken off by temple workers to the children’s center, where they happily spent the next few hours.  I accompanied hno  Hernandez and hna Flores accompanied his wife.  A Spanish-speaking temple worker was also assigned to each of them.  First they were taken by the ordinance sister who had to verify all the family information on the recommend.  Turned out the sister was a member of Kenosha 1st Ward and a friend of hna Flores.  Next came las ordenanzas preparativas (initiatory).  The member of the temple presidency then came to give hno Hernandez his orientation and instructions.  He asked that I go along to translate.  Wonderful to be present to hear that information again.  Hna Hernandez was getting her information from the assistant matron at the same time.  Finally we were ready for the endowment session.  It was in Spanish.  Vicki used headphones.  The branch president and his wife and the first counselor came to be there with the Hernandez.  There were a few other Hispanic sisters on the session.  After the session, and a bathroom stop, we were taken to the sealing room.  The sealer assigned was an Anglo brother who did a very nice job. His wife was present.  She speaks Spanish pretty well, a convert, learned Spanish on her own taking classes.  They are getting ready to serve a mission she said.  Of course the highlight was when the three children, all dressed in white, were brought in, (Alexandra (10), Jose (6) and Erick (4).  The sealing of the children was so sweet. 
The children were taken back to the children’s center, and the parents back to the dressing room to change.  Hna Hernandez had brought her wedding dress, and it still fit.  She had added a white jacket to make it work for the temple.  We changed and went outside and again took pictures for them.  When we finally got into the car to head back it was 4:30.  The branch was planning a party for them.  It got started a little late, but it happened.  Lots of food, a tres leches cake, music, dancing.  It appears that the Mexican as a people dance a lot better than they sing.  What an awesome day.  What a privilege for us to be a part of it. 
We attend mass. 6.30.2013. Some of you may recall that Theresa Setter, music director of St. Mary Catholic Church accompanied us to the Tabernacle Choir Concert in Milwaukee.  She had a marvelous experience.  On the way home she told us about her various choirs at St. Mary.  Her men’s choir was going to perform “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” one of the signature hymns of the Tabernacle Choir. She invited us to come and hear them.  It turned out to be a very nice experience.  Mass was to begin at 9 am.  Theresa was waiting for us at the west door 15 minutes before the start.  The old church is huge inside, but beautifully decorated with typical Catholic art and statues.  We felt rather over-dressed when compared with the regulars there in their casual attire.  She did a beautiful job of briefly explaining what the service would consist of and how we should respond as.  Very nice.  The last feature number by the choir was “Battle Hymn.”  They did a great job, considering their numbers.  The pastor gave his sermon about being good neighbors.    The ushers did the collections three different times, as called for by the pastor, using long handles with fish net sort of things to reach way down the pews.  At the end of the service the pastor invited all visitors to stand.  Gave a special welcome, said he hoped we’d taken advantage of the passing of the collection bag.  The congregation gave an applause for us.  Following the service all the choir members came and personally greeted us, as well as the accompanist and her family.  We thought what a nice job Theresa did to make our experience a pleasant one.  A good example of what we should do when we invite a nonmember to church.  Theresa’s sister sat with us during the mass.  She expressed her interest in attending an LDS service with her children.  Hopefully she will have that opportunity. 
Meeting President & Sister Cutler. 7.2.2013. The Milwaukee South and North Zones had the opportunity to become acquainted with our wonderful new mission president and his wife on Tuesday morning.  After a brief video introducing them and their family members, some of whom live in Wisconsin, They did a beautiful job of teaching the doctrine of the family, tying it to the doctrine of Christ, and reminding us that our purpose as missionaries is to find those whom the Lord has prepared to learn these precious doctrines, and prepare them for baptism.  It was a wonderful, spirit-filled meeting.  What a blessing to see how the specific priesthood keys for the gathering of Israel are passed to each new mission president.  We certainly sustain them and feel a great love for them and from them.  Ten days later we were blessed to have the Cutlers come to Kenosha to do interviews with the Spanish-speaking missionaries.  We were so grateful  for that experience to get to know them on a more personal basis. 
Other catch up happenings.  Vicki continues with her teaching of basic keyboarding.  The numbers of students keeps growing.  It is a blessing for Vicki.  So much of the time she is in the background while I am teaching in Spanish.  This is all hers, and she does a great job with it.  We are teaching the temple preparation lessons to a terrific young man who has been called from the Branch to Minnesota to serve a mission.  What a well-prepared young man.  He has also asked Vicki to teach him keyboarding.  He has a good previous music background and is picking it all up quickly.  The Hymns Simplified book is very helpful to him.
Last but not least.  I will include here the e-mail sent to our family members on 7.15.2013.  As you will see, the contents of the e-mail have pulled us together as a family, and perhaps set us on a new adventure –

Deep Water Ahead...

15 July 2013

Dear Family,

I wanted to let you know what we have learned so far from the medical appointments today.

The appointments were related to the lump under my left jaw that has developed over a period of several weeks.  When the small lump first appeared it was very tender.  We went to the walk in clinic and it was diagnosed as a blocked salivary gland with infection.  I was told to eat lemon drops to stimulate secretion.  Supposedly that would move the blockage and allow the saliva to drain.  An antibiotic was prescribed for the inflammation.  In time the tenderness disappeared, but the lump did not. 

After a time the lump enlarged slowly.  Then over a period of 48 hours the lump mushroomed to golf ball in size.  While visiting my doctor who tracks my blood counts related to myelofibrosis, we asked him to examine the lump.  He ordered a PET scan.  The PET scan identified the enlarged tissue as a lymph node.  From the follow up with the doctor related to the PET scan, a tissue biopsy was ordered.  Today's appointment was to receive the biopsy results. 

At this point the doctors are quite certain of a diagnosis of lymphoma, cancer of the lymph nodes.  There are various types.  They think this is most likely large cell lymphoma.  I will be having another PET scan with contrast dye that is attracted to the lymphatic tissue to evaluate how pervasive or widespread the lymphoma is.  Already I can feel other lymph nodes that have begun to enlarge.  The doctors also want another CT scan to help confirm the diagnosis. Also it will be necessary to do a bone marrow biopsy to see if the lymphoma is spread there.  These procedures will allow the doctors to stage the cancer, or in other words determine how advanced it already is. 

The usual treatment for lymphoma is chemotherapy.  However, the condition of my blood cells related to myelofibrosis complicates this process.  A treatment plan will have to be determined that my blood cells can best tolerate. 

Lymphoma is one of the most common cancers in the elderly.

So that's pretty much what we know medically speaking.

We feel like we were brought to Kenosha in order that we might benefit from the amazing medical care that is available here.  We use the Aurora Medical Center.  It consists of excellent medical doctors from almost every specialty.  We appreciate Dr. Gregg Rocco, our primary care physician.  My main cancer doctor is Malik Bandealy.  He and his associates are rated in the top 1% of general oncologists.  One of the good things is that referrals and procedures happen almost immediately and is all within one system.  Long delays are avoided.  We feel very blessed to have their assistance.

While it appears we may be swimming in the deep end, we are not without hope.  We know Heavenly Father's hand is in His work.  While we are instruments in his work as missionaries, we are also part of His work.  We know His hand will be over us as we move forward.  We have no plans at this time to request any changes in our assignment.  Our mission president expressed his wholehearted support in dealing with whatever health challenges we might have when we were interviewed by him last week.  We will continue to take things one step at a time, trusting in the Lord to take us where we need to go.  It well be another learning experience for us, for all of us. 

One of the great strengths we are blessed with is our family.  We are so very grateful for each one of you, for your love for the Savior, and your faith in Heavenly Father's plan.  We teach it to people every day.  We better believe it ourselves.  I know each of you does.  We certainly do believe it!  We are grateful for your continuing love and support, for your faith and prayers in our behalf.  We have swum in the deep water before and grew from it.  Although we wouldn't choose to do it again, there seems to be a divine purpose in our having the opportunity.  We accept it and will do our very best.  We feel there is still work for us to do.  If there is, He will provide the way.  What more can I say.  If there isn't, then we are okay with that as well.

Thank you so much for sustaining us wherever this may take us. 

Love to each of you.

Dad Skinner / Charles & Mom Skinner / Vicki