Friday, June 21, 2013

Notes From Mission Conference

All Mission Meeting With General Authorities held at Neenah WI. 
Missionaries were advised a month or so ago by our mission president, Timothy Jones, that five General Authorities would be coming to our mission area to do priesthood leader training in mid-June.  President Jones said he had requested that a missionary meeting with the General Authorities had been requested and he hoped would be approved.  At zone conference President Jones announced that the request had been approved.  The meeting would be held in Neenah, north of Milwaukee about two hours, at 9 am on Saturday, June 15.  He said all missionaries in the mission would be attending.  He then told us that Elder Dallin Oaks of the Twelve would be with the General Authorities.  You can imagine the excitement that his announcement gave to the missionaries, including these two.
As usual, we were asked by our zone leaders to help transport missionaries.  The Kenosha Spanish elders and the Racine Spanish elders were to ride with us.  As the time for the meeting approached, we prayed that our hearts and minds would be prepared to receive the instruction given at the meeting.  We felt very thankful to be blessed with a visit from these priesthood leaders.
We arose very early (4:30 am) on Saturday morning to get ourselves ready, pick up our passengers and travel to Neenah.  It turned out to be a rainy morning almost all the way to Neenah.  However, as we got closer to our destination, the storm stopped and the weather was very pleasant.  How beautifully green is Wisconsin, everywhere we go!
We arrived at the Neenah Chapel at about 8:20 am.  There were lots of missionary cars already in the parking lot.  We entered the chapel and found that it was already almost full of elders and sisters.  It was an amazing sight as we scanned the chapel from the back.  One of the counselors in the mission presidency came to the back and said they wanted to fit all the missionaries into the chapel area and to close the overflow area.  We moved a row of folding chairs from the overflow up behind the last row in the chapel.  That is where we sat. 
At 8:30 am, President Jones and Sister Jones lead the group of priesthood leaders into the chapel and onto the stand.  All the missionaries stood as they entered.  Church leaders accompanying our mission president were, Elder Oaks, of the Twelve; Elder Whitney Clayton, of the Presidency of the Seventy; Elder Gifford Nielson, of the First Quorum of the Seventy; Elder Randy Funk of the Second Quorum of the Seventy; and Elder Jack Ward, Area Authority Seventy.  President Jones explained to the missionaries that all of those on the stand would come to the floor level and line up across the front.  Then the missionaries would come forward starting from the front, row by row, and shake hands with all of the leaders. 
It was a precious thing to watch the individual missionaries greet their president and his wife for the last time before they return to their home in Monroe UT on June 28.  There were affectionate embraces, not just handshakes.  It was a very emotional time for the Jones, and for many of  the missionaries.  What a special blessing to be able to have all of their 210 missionaries together one last time before leaving them behind.  In the receiving line next to the mission president and his wife were Elder Oaks, then Elder Clayton, Elder Nielson, Elder Funk and Elder Ward.  There is a “pecking order” in the Church.  I don’t mean that in any derogatory sense.  It is part of what President Packer calls “the unwritten order of the Church.”
After all of us had had the opportunity to greet and be greeted by the priesthood leaders, which took about fifteen minutes, the dignitaries returned to their seats on the stand.  The prelude music resumed until time for the meeting to begin.  After the opening hymn and prayer, a special musical number was offered.  Two elders (one was Elder Kanahele who served with us in Kenosha Spanish when we first came) sang, accompanied by a sister on the piano and a sister on the violin.  It was lovely and prepared us for hearing from those on the stand.
Sister Jones talked about the “tender mercies of the Lord” to them, and how thankful she was for serving at this time in Wisconsin.  She made reference to the “I can do hard things” statement that has been quoted before.  This was a very hard thing for her.  Mostly she spoke of her gratitude and gave her testimony.
President Jones – The Book of Mormon is a very important part of the “marvelous work and wonder” referred to by Isaiah (ch. 29).  He gave his testimony of the Lord’s work.  The Book of Mormon teaches of the pride cycle, the doctrine of Christ, to build on the Rock of our salvation (Hel.5), that He is the Rock (3 Nephi 11).  Our mission purpose (PMG) is the doctrine of Christ.  Alma’s question, “if you’ve felt it previously, do you feel it now?”  Making and renewing covenants, nourishes and strengthens our faith to be able to do harder things.  This puts us into the upward spiral that is “enduring to the end.”  Expressed his heartfelt gratitude and gave his testimony.
Elder James Ward – Area Authority Seventy – You will never forget your mission president and his wife.  Jacob 1:5-7 – We do it first for ourselves, then for others.  PMG, p.6 – purpose of the Gospel.  “My missionary purpose.”  PMG, p 146 – goals – D& C 4:4 – a sickle is a one person devise, we do our own missionary work personally, within our reach.  Same with the ordinances. 
Elder Randy Funk – Second Quorum of Seventy – newly sustained – (he and his wife were in the MTC with Pres. & Sister Jones, preparing to serve as mission president, was just recently released to serve as Seventy).  The desires of your heart – New stake formed in India. Two men came to the gate and asked about what church the building was for.  One was a minister for a Christian church.  Invited them in to see the building and to listen to two young men who came.  After listening one of the men said, “I always did believe that Jesus would have just one church.” PMG, p. 9 – Elder Oaks quote.  Align your will with that of Heavenly Father.  Suggestion PMG, p. 19, p.2.  Study time becomes more meaningful and purposeful as we focus on understanding the Atonement.  May give you the great desire to share the gospel. 
Elder Gifford Nielson – First Quorum of Seventy – newly sustained – Preparation for this day; D&C 50:22, 24. I have done the same.  This may be your perfect day to be instructed by and Apostle of the Lord.  Expressed gratitude for Elder Oaks, who was Pres. of BYU when Elder Nielson attended there as a student.  Pres. Oaks hired LaVell Edwards to be the football coach.  As his FB coach LaVell has had a great impact on his life.  Recently had open heart surgery in December; as he came out of surgery, all connected up to tubes, etc., said to his wife please call the bishop.  We are not going to be able to attend tithing settlement.  Please tell him we are full tithe payers.  Timothy, “Be thou an example of the believers” – A key for him as stake president setting apart his missionaries – counsel them to be the kind of companion that each of their companions will say about their mission, “the best part of my mission was the time I spend serving with Elder _________.”  You are a prophetic priority.  You have the Prophet and Apostles praying constantly for you.  Enoch’s call, Moses 6:26-27, 31-33, Moses 7:13 – can that happen to you?
Elder Whitney Clayton – Presidency of First Quorum of Seventy – Told experience with mission president in Canary Islands, the Hawaii of Spain.  Goldar – no baptisms for 10 years.  Impressed to send a very dedicated missionary with 6 weeks left to go, together with a brand new missionary to Goldar to baptize before going home.  Found a family with 3 + 2 children, plus two more = 5 baptisms in 6 weeks after 10 years without any. Does not take some extraordinary thing – just obedience and faithfulness.  Returning members to activity is just as important as baptizing.  D&C 4:4, Alma 23:5, 6, 7.  Be careful that you turn people to the Lord by inviting them . . . it is not about you.  Be careful.  Heard quoted by one of the Twelve, “It is an offense to a sacred ordinance to baptize someone who has not repented.”  Help others bury the weapons of their rebellion . . . you do the same.  D&C 112:30-32 – the power of having an Apostle with you.  “Blessed to open the last dispensation . . .” (from Praise to the Man, opening hymn)
Elder Dallin Oaks – Quorum of the Twelve – this assignment is a first for him to have 4 Seventies with him.  Always has at least 1, has had 2 many times, once or twice had 3, but never 4.  D&C 28:8 – “sent out to establish the Church.”  By teaching conversion; by teaching retention; by teaching re-activation.  You are FT missionaries.  General Authorities are FT for the term of their call.  Once President Packer told the Apostles, “Your calling is to grow old and die on stage.”  FT for life.  Few people in the Church are full-time in their callings.   It is a choice time to be a FT servant of the Lord.  Update on Pres. Monson – looked terrible for the week after Sister Monson passed away; great concern for him felt. The next week he looked perfectly normal, even energized.  Confirmed Elder Clayton’s quote, “It is an offense to a sacred ordinance to baptize someone who has not repented.”  Challenge – can you find a scripture that talks about baptism that does not have repentance related to it.  You should never think of baptism without repentance.  RE: repentance – so often tied to remorse, sorrow.  But true repentance means CHANGE!  Even by degrees it is change. Repentance accompanied by confession to those we have wronged.  Repentance precedes baptism. Repentance precedes taking the sacrament.  The Spirit of the Lord will not dwell in unclean tabernacle.  We each must repent. . . “that they may always have His Spirit to be with them.”  D&C 20: 77
My scripture reading program – I don’t find a lot of spiritual nourishment reading the census of the Twelve Tribes in the Old Testament.  Reads the other three Standard Works in rotation, with the O.T. every 4-5 years.  Also studies scriptures by topic.
“Establish My gospel . . .” before the Church was organized.  “Establish my Church . . .” after the Church was organized.  It is an ongoing process.  “Establishing my gospel” is centered on Christ’s Atonement.  “Establishing my Church” is centered on the Lord’s prophet, and the keys he holds for all the ordinances and the blessings that flow from them.  Missionaries are doing both.
Letter from missionary grandson about 4 years ago, never felt to share it, but does today.  Re: How to start a conversation with local residents.  Would you like to know why I am here?  (principle – how do you get people interested to listen to you?)  “We are here because we know families are meant to be eternal.  We know that Christ’s Church was lost from the earth.  It has now be brought back.  May we tell you more about why we are here.?”
P-day is a missionary day too.  Do GA’s have a P-day?  Yes.  Usually Monday.  After returning from assignment we don’t go into our office on Monday.  “get our hair cut” haha. 
Influence of leaders in our lives (Elder Nielson’s reference to Coach Edwards).  My stake president as a graduate student at U of Chicago, John K. Edmonds.  People’s lives are touched one on one.  Every servant will touch someone. Be worthy.  Be willing.  Be anxiously engaged, and the Lord will use you. 
Story of meeting Olsen Amu, patriarch in Los Angeles area, Chinese ancestry, but grew up in American Samoa.  His family gave the land for the Samoan Temple.  Where did your name come from?  Did not know.  Father died as a baby and mother died when he was two.  He was raised by other family members.  No one ever told him why he was named Olsen.  He was told he was named for a great teacher that was beloved by the people.  Elder Oaks asked about his parents, what year would they have lived in Apia and gone to school there.  Did some quick calculations, then said, “I will tell you who you are named for.  My great grandfather was called to serve as a teacher at the Church school during the time that Bro. Amu’s parents would have been attending.  They loved the teacher and named their son for him.
You are called to teach by the power of the Holy Spirit. Conduct your life so you can.
Today for you it is missionary work.
For your lifetime it covenants.  Make them!  Keep them!

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